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California Governor Newsom Signs AB 2458!

Maya Valree and Laura Szabo-Kubitz, leads of The California Alliance for Student Parent Success write: 

We’re excited to close out Student Parent Month with big news! Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill 2458, the Greater Accessibility, Information, Notice, and Support (GAINS) for Student Parents Act, co-authored by Assemblymembers Berman, Arambula, and Boerner, and Senators Ashby and Limón. 

This legislation–our first cosponsored bill as The Alliance in just our first year of launch–will expand financial aid access for student parents as well as empower colleges to better identify student parents on their campuses. These critical measures will help improve educational outcomes and the well-being of student parents and their families, creating a multiplier effect of success and opportunity for generations to come. 

Thank you! We couldn’t have achieved this without your support, input, and dedication. And even though today is the last day of Student Parent Month, the momentum and conversations are only just beginning. Let’s thank the Governor and Legislature, and spread the word about AB 2458! Here are the ways you can join us in celebrating and raising awareness:

  • Register for The Alliance’s webinar: On Tuesday, October 1, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., we will highlight the bill’s signing and explore the critical role of data in supporting student parents. The webinar will feature key insights from two newly released reports on California’s student parents and offer strategies for improving data practices to foster multigenerational success. Register here.
  • Thank the Governor on social media: Show your support by liking and sharing our posts or use our social media toolkit
  • Spread the word about AB 2458: Share this update, the factsheet, and FAQ with your networks to inform others about the bill’s passage.

The conversations, advocacy, and efforts to support student parents are far from over—and we’re excited for the work ahead. Thank you for your commitment to student parent success, and we hope to see you at tomorrow’s webinar!