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ACCESS Collaborative Community Chats

The Ohio State University ACCESS Collaborative Program is continuing conversations focused on the support of parenting students and their families. The goals for the monthly Community Chats are to:

  • Discuss and have meaningful conversation on topics pertinent to the success of parenting students in higher education

  • Give attendees the opportunity to network and stay connected with other higher education and community professionals serving parenting students

  • Build momentum leading up to the National Student Parent Support Symposium

This session will focus on: Finding Community in Child Care Access Means Parents in School “CCAMPIS”

Many programs, long term recipients of the funding, are struggling with what’s to come of CCAMPIS , in this new administration. Join a community chat to identify strategies, challenges and questions. This form of funding was built from struggle, community and collective efforts. This chat will identify ways for current and prospective recipients to strategize around funding.